Create & Analyze Financial Models
in Seconds
Atom Copilot lets you build and analyze financial models
without the burden of manual, repetitive tasks.
Leverage AI to build and analyze financial models without the burden of manual, repetitive tasks.
Trusted By
Investment Bankers
How it works
How it works
How it works
Add our Excel Add-on
Add our Excel Add-on
Add Atom Copilot directly into Excel
Add Atom Copilot directly into Excel
Create a Model
Create a Model
Build models quickly with a series of simple prompts.
Build models quickly with a series of simple prompts.
Run Adjustments/Analysis
Run Adjustments/Analysis
Use natural language to have our AI analyze or adjust your financial model
Use natural language to have our AI analyze or adjust your financial model
Each feature customized to your needs
Each feature customized to your needs
Each feature customized to your needs
Build financial models from scratch
Fill in templates effortlessly
Run complex scenarios with ease
Adjust data with precision
Validate model accuracy
Our Pricing Plans
Pricing for first 25 users
View Team Pricing
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 1 Model
5 Analysis Queries
5 Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Get Started
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 8 Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Get Started
Contact For Pricing
Features Included:
Custom Number of Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Contact For Pricing
Pricing for first 25 users
View Team Pricing
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 1 Model
5 Analysis Queries
5 Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Get Started
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 8 Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Get Started
Contact For Pricing
Features Included:
Custom Number of Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Contact For Pricing
What model types does Atom Copilot support?
Is Atom designed exclusively for finance professionals?
Can I earn money by referring people I know to use Atom Copilot?
If I have a suggestion or want to report an issue, will you take my inquiry seriously?
Pricing for first 25 users
View Team Pricing
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 1 Model
5 Analysis Queries
5 Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Get Started
/ Per Month
Features Included:
Create 8 Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Get Started
Contact For Pricing
Features Included:
Custom Number of Models
Unlimited Analysis Queries
Unlimited Adjustment Queries
Model Validation
Priority Support
Contact For Pricing
What model types does Atom Copilot support?
Is Atom designed exclusively for finance professionals?
Can I earn money by referring people I know to use Atom Copilot?
If I have a suggestion or want to report an issue, will you take my inquiry seriously?
What model types does Atom Copilot support?
Is Atom designed exclusively for finance professionals?
Can I earn money by referring people I know to use Atom Copilot?
If I have a suggestion or want to report an issue, will you take my inquiry seriously?